Images copyright Gilles Kayser
SPECTRUM is an interactive audio-visual sculpture. Following the Urban Talks (meetings with residents organized in February 2020 as part of Kufa’s Urban Art Esch), where most people perceived the city as a very gray and monotonous entity, SPECTRUM offers them an installation over which they have control and can define the color and light emitted in the tunnel themselves. The idea is to use the #Icicestesch account to retrieve images and display them on LED tubes that will be fixed inside the tunnel. This will allow the general public to generate colors themselves on the tubes installed inside the tunnel (and thus take control of the tunnel).
The Instagram account Icicestesch is regularly “scanned” using a program that has been specially developed for SPECTRUM. The 10 most recent photos posted on the Instagram account are downloaded in real time to generate visuals on the tubes fixed to the ceiling of the Dieswee tunnel, varying the color and light emitted in the tunnel.

Screenshot of the custom software by Jerome Bei

Interactive Light Installation
LED / Custom software/hardware / Instagram
Hardware concept and production: Max Schmitt / Amaury de Coppin
Software developpement: Jérome Bei
Spectrum was produced in the field of Kufas Urban Art 2021